Mrinal Subash



37 Saint Germain St, APT-8

Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA



Single Cell Genomics , NGS , Machine Learning , Data Analytics


Languages: Python, Perl, PHP, R, Linux Shell Scripting, json

Genomic Data Analysis: Sinlge Cell, Comparative Genomics, Genome Assembly, Transcriptome, GWAS

Frameworks/Libraries: Pandas, numpy, BioConductor, dplyr, Seurat, BioPython, BioPerl

Bioinformatics tools: Cell Ranger(10X), GATK, UMI-Tools, samtools, hisat-2, STAR, FastP

Development tools/Platform: Git, Vim, AWS



Bioinformatician, Barabasi Lab (Northeastern University)

  • Perform coding in Python to work with datasets that include USDA, PubChem and PubMed.
  • Implemented WebScraping using the Google Maps API to locate different producers’ latitudinal and longitudinal values.
  • Written Perl/BASH scripts to grade assignments automatically and produce a score card

September 2019 - Present

Student, Northeastern University

  • Work carried out on group project called Ancestral Genomes: a resource for reconstructed ancestral genes and genomes across the tree of life.
  • Comparison and alignment in CLI and Geneious with BLAST, ClustalW, MUMmer, Mauve, SPatt.
  • Phylogenetic Analysis in Geneious, determined model using jModelTest and MrBayes.
  • Data Analysis in NGS, containing QC with FASTX-Toolkit, and assembly with velvet, bowtie, SoapDenovo2.
  • Perform coding in Python, Perl, and a little R, to request or parse data, execute commands, and analyze data.

Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

, Politecnico Di Milano

  • Undertook the Automation and Control Engineering course at the University where courses included Vehicle Dynamics, Automation in Energy Systems and Production Systems Control.
  • Attained a grade of 30/30 for all the courses.
  • Got opportunity to talk to one of Ferrari’s Vehicle Dynamics team head, Marco Fainello.

Jun 2018 - Dec 2018

Prediction of weather forecast (Project) , Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham

  • A deep learning where the system detects diseases with diabetic retinopathy and classifies them into 4 stages-mild, non-proliferative, proliferative and malignant using Keras, a high-level network API with backend as TensorFlow, written in Python.

Dec 2017 - April 2018